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For Unit Owners


If you are an owner of a Maplewood Condominium town home, you are responsible for the contents of this page as well as all the information in the drop-down menu icons. Please read this page and pass next onto the available links below.



Owner is defined by the name of the legal entity stated on the property title (deed).  Owners are automatically members of the Maplewood Condominium Association and acquire voting rights. Owners are responsible for all aspects of their respective condominium town home, in addition to the proper use, preservation, and sanitation of the elements, areas, spaces, structures, and property assigned and reserved to them by the Association, for individual use.


A condominium is a legal form of ownership. Unlike a “single-family” dwelling, you own only the interior portions enclosed within the walls of your condominium town home, together with doors, windows, all internal wiring/piping, electrical systems, plumbing/water systems, heating/cooling systems, and accessories such as vents, grills, outlets, meters, spigots, wires, cables, conduits, and pipes that service only your individual unit.  You do not own the land upon which your individual condominium unit rests, nor the elements, areas, spaces, structures, and property attached and adjacent to your unit.

Such elements, areas, spaces, structures, and property attached and adjacent to your unit that are not defined as individually owned and deeded to a single owner, are collectively referred to as common property. Generally the common property is the building’s inherent structure, external wiring/piping, external electrical systems, external plumbing/water systems, external heating/cooling, systems, underground drains and pipes, roofing systems, gutters, downspouts, siding, exterior light fixtures, mailboxes, address plates, awnings, front stoop and walkways, concrete curbs, decks, concrete patios, divider fences, exterior railings, rockscaping, yards, landscaping, trees, window wells, light posts and fixtures, parking lot, sidewalks, as well as vents, grills, outlets, meters, spigots, wires, cables, conduits, pipes and other items that service more than one unit.  Parking spaces are also not included in any individual property title, hence owners cannot trade, buy, sell, or lease parking space.

Owners own an interest (like a share) in the common property, expressed as a voting right, one vote per condominium unit. The vote is intended and utilized for electing nominated persons to the Board of Directors positions. The Board of Directors, in turn, have the duty and power, granted and mandated through by-laws, to administrate, manage, and operate all aspects of the common property, enforce existing regulations, and approve new regulations.

Some of the common property is further defined as limited common property, hence, reserved for use only by the respective condominium unit owner.  Items such as respective potions of siding, exterior light fixtures, mailbox, address plate, awnings, decking, concrete patio, divider fences, rockscaping, window wells, and front stoop and walkway would be considered limited in use by each respective unit owner. The Association also assigns two parking spaces per condominium unit, reserved for use only by the respective condominium unit owner. Therefore, unit owners have an obligation to properly use, care, and clean such elements, areas, spaces, structures, and property on a regular basis. For more involved maintenance, repairs, and improvements, the Association is the responsible agent. For example, an owner must keep concrete patios swept and free of major stains. In turn, the Association may arrange for pressure washing at scheduled intervals when it sanitizes all concrete on premises.

All elements, areas, spaces, structures, and property, limited or otherwise, are common property and thus maintained, repaired, and improved by the Association. The Association also defines the use, care, and purpose of such elements, areas, spaces, structures, and property. Hence, while the Association provides an operable nest, owners must use it within clearly defined guidelines, and maintain that nest immaculate on a regular basis!


Owners are automatically members of the Maplewood Condominium Association. Owners are responsible for all aspects of their respective condominium town home, in addition to the proper use, preservation, and sanitation of the elements, areas, spaces, structures, and property assigned and reserved to them by the Association, for individual use.

Maplewood Condominium owners are responsible for the entire contents of this section of the website:

  • The regulatory information contained herein governs all of your actions as owner, as well as that of your guests and tenants.
  • Owners are responsible for communicating by-laws and policies to other parties such as guests (family, friend, visitor, hired representative, contracting professional, realtor, etc.,) and tenants.
  • Owners and their tenants are jointly and severally liable.
  • All persons RESIDING (owners and tenants) within the boundaries of the Maplewood Condominium Association property are subject to its by-laws and policies at all times, and without exception.
  • All resident’s GUESTS (family, friend, visitor, hired representative, contracting professional, realtor, etc.,) coming within the boundaries of the Maplewood Condominium Association property are subject to its by-laws and policies at all times, and without exception.
  • Be advised that the behavior of your guests and tenants is your responsibility, and their actions, if outside of Maplewood’s by-laws, will be communicated to you directly, along with any associated charges.
  • Maplewood is a condominium community where every owner is expected to be vigilant of problems, and proactive in their solution.
  • The governance of the Association through the Board of Directors does not supplant owner responsibility.
  • Since individual investments are inseparable by common property, owners must do their part in maintaining a high standard of quality upkeep. The way you keep your condominium affects everybody else! In turn, you are affected by everybody else’s actions or lack thereof.


It is against the Maplewood by-laws to use a unit for anything other than for residential purposes. Insurance covering commercial activity is null and void. Please be advised that the Association has the authority to levy a fine and request the immediate cessation of commercial activity.


Leasing activity increases the overall liability to the Association and places an added administrative and managerial burden on the Association’s resources. In addition, elevated rental ratios dramatically decrease the real estate value for remaining owners. The Association is strict in its enforcement of the leasing regulations.

Owners who lease their condominium town house are responsible for honoring additional regulations and administrative requirements. Leasing on condominium property is a very serious matter and owners are responsible for respecting and following the by-laws pertaining to such activity.

Please follow:

> Declaration, Article 4 and 10

> Code of Regulations, Article 9

> Regulations of the Council, Article 7 and 8.

  • All rules and regulations MUST be respected and requirements for leasing MUST be fulfilled PRIOR to leasing.
  • Owners and their tenants are jointly and severally liable for every action and inaction on the property.
  • Owners are responsible for directing their tenants to the regulatory material as they are subject to all by-laws and policies.
  • Tenants are subject to all rights and obligations as would be owners.
  • Tenants are expected to maintain the limited common areas in the same manner as an owner.


No later than 48 hours after the date of a closing, a new owner must submit to the Association their:

  • Name
  • Telephone contact
  • Email address
  • Mailing address (if different from their Maplewood condominium)

Such information is recorded for the purposes of administration, emergency, and internal communication. Owners are responsible for updating their information to the Association. No personal information is published or shared with external agencies. Personal information is automatically deleted once an owner has sold his/her Maplewood Condominium town home.


You may contact the Association for your towing card anytime after you have closed on your Maplewood condominium.